Editor's Note
Rich SimonRace and Healing
Expanding the ConversationNow, more than ever, we’re engaged as a society in finding ways to have a truly meaningful dialogue about race and racism. But how do we translate good... Read more
Working With Internalized Racism
From Shame to Unburdening with IFSWhile the Black Lives Matter movement has increased the country’s understanding of the pernicious impact of racism, how do people actually do the internal... Read more
The Legacy of Historical Trauma
Grasping the Larger StoryBringing the larger story of inherited trauma into the therapy room. Read more
The Agreement
Tackling a Teachable Moment on RaceIn the days after George Floyd’s murder, and amidst their work to address gang-related trauma and violence, a white therapist and her Black cofacilitator... Read more
When the World Won't Hold Us
Finding Agency in the SufferingIn this time of uncertainty and turmoil, it’s crucial to recognize that suffering and trauma are not the same thing. Read more
Extra Feature
Braving the Unknown
The Search for New SolutionsWe once believed that following in the footsteps of the medical model would ensure the viability of mental health professionals. But in the face of growing... Read more