Contributed by Laura Markowitz

5 Results

Turns in the Road

Highlights from the Networker Journey

Out of all the hundreds and hundreds of articles that have appeared in the Networker over the past four decades, we’ve chosen a small sampling that captures... Read more

Of course, not everyone's quarrel with PC is the same. Read more

From the March/April 1994 issue We have grown used to having front-row seats during natural and political cataclysms like the Los Angeles earthquake... Read more

Freud codified the notion of sibling rivalry, which was already a widely accepted truth, saying it was natural that the introduction of a new sibling into a... Read more

Back in the therapeutic Dark Ages of the 1990s, many clinicians, like the rest of the population, were still just beginning to confront their own discomfort... Read more

Laura Markowitz

Laura Markowitz is a journalist, editor and multimedia producer in Tucson, Arizona, and winner of a National Magazine Award for writing and coeditor of The Evolving Therapist: Ten Years of the Family Therapy Networker.