Contributed by Katy Butler

14 Results

Dying Well

Humanizing Our Overmedicalized System

Hospital protocols have replaced the time-honored customs that once enabled the dying to be lead actors in their life’s final drama. Why do we spend so much... Read more

Turns in the Road

Highlights from the Networker Journey

Out of all the hundreds and hundreds of articles that have appeared in the Networker over the past four decades, we’ve chosen a small sampling that captures... Read more

A Brief History of Psychotherapy

A Mosaic of the Psychotherapy Networker, 1982-2012

Over the years, our front-of-the-book department has not only given readers plenty of tasty factoids to chew on, but also revealed how the seasons of the... Read more

Unhappy Endings

Death as Technology’s Slave

A perverse set of financial incentives within the medical system too often leads to the promotion of maximum treatment, no matter what. When this happens... Read more

Refeathering the Nest

From Dutiful Daughter to Self-Aware Caregiver

When families become stressed by a member's long-term care needs, it's easy to continue the usual relationship patterns and perpetuate long-standing... Read more

Those who care for ailing family members often are undertaking a marathon, not a sprint. Read more

The Art and Science of Love

Can the Gottmans Bring Empirical Rigor to the Intuitive World of Couples Therapy?

After studying 3,000 couples in the past three decades, researcher John Gottman and his wife Julie are combining his research and her clinical savvy in a... Read more

Small Things Often

The Gottman Method in a Nutshell

A Gottman Method therapist coaches couples to build marital friendships, rather than trying to engineer dramatic breakthroughs. Read more

Being There

The Dalai Lama Gets Buddhism and Neuroscience to Go Face to Face

In Washington, D.C., this fall, the Dalai Lama brought together a distinguished group of contemplatives and world-class scientists to explore the links between... Read more

Alice in Neuroland

Can Machines Teach Us to Be More Human?

As neuroscience was becoming the topic du jour of the therapy field, we sent Senior Editor Katy Butler to MIT on a mission. The result was, literally, a... Read more

Family Matters July 1, 2005

My Life as a House

Turning an address into a home

I'd turned corners I'd never expected to turn. I hadn't had a grand vision. I'd rebuilt my life without knowing where I was going, the way an oyster builds a... Read more

Tantra at Home

Modern Tantric techniques to improve anyone's sex life

From the March/April 1999 issue Heighten Awareness of All the Senses William Masters and Virginia Johnson introduced to the West a technique called... Read more

The Anatomy of Resilience

New research reveals what helps people shake off adversity

We have clues about what makes some people prevail over psychological adversity... Read more

The adaptations necessary to make it in the competitive world of managed care go against many therapists' psychological grain. Read more

Katy Butler

Katy Butler, a former features editor and staff writer for Psychotherapy Networker, is the author of two award-winning books about aging and living meaningfully in life’s final quarter, especially in relation to modern medicine. Knocking on Heaven’s Door (2013) was a New York Times Bestseller and Notable Book of the Year. The Art of Dying Well (2019) is a road map —practical, medical, and spiritual —through the significant passages of life after 55. Katy’s groundbreaking work for the Networker was nominated for one National Magazine Award and contributed to several other NMA awards and nominations. Her writing has also  appeared in the The New Yorker, The New York Times Magazine, Tricycle: the Buddhist Quarterly, Scientific American, Best American Essays, and Best American Science Writing. Other honors include first-place awards from the National Association of Science Writers and the Association of Health Care Journalists; a “Best First Book” award; and a finalist nomination for the Dayton Literary Peace Prize. She lives in northern California and loves to dance in the kitchen to Alexa with her husband Brian.