Contributed by Jack Saul
The Hidden Trauma of Moral Injury
From Personal Anguish to Communal HealingBecause moral injury—one of the most significant contributors to the high rate of suicide among U.S. veterans—is rooted in conscience, not fear... Read more
Jack Saul
Jack Saul, PhD, a psychologist and artist, is the founding director of the International Trauma Studies Program, a research and training institute based in New York City. He’s served on the faculties of New York University’s School of Medicine, the New School for Social Research, and Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health. As a psychologist and family therapist, he’s created programs in New York City and abroad for populations that have endured disaster, war, torture, and political violence, documented in his book Collective Trauma, Collective Healing. He’s currently working on the public arts and conversation project Moral Injuries of War, about the need to have a national public reckoning on United States war-making and war culture. Contact: