Contributed by Elisha Goldstein
VIDEO: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Your Practice
Exploring Sensations with Mindfulness TechniquesClients who struggle with PTSD, depression, and other stress-related conditions may have a tough time staying engaged in the consulting room. No matter how... Read more
When Depressed Clients Blame Themselves
Elisha Goldstein on Treating Depression with Self-CompassionTo help depressed clients figure out what they need to heal, mindfulness specialist Elisha Goldstein has developed several effective self-compassion practices... Read more
Learning What a Depressed Client Needs
Elisha Goldstein on Individually Treating Cases of DepressionElisha Goldstein asks clients what they need in tough moments and explains why it helps them learn to trust themselves. Read more
Bringing Stressed Clients Into The Present Moment
Elisha Goldstein On The “Mindful Check-In”Psychotherapy Networker Founder Rich Simon talks with Elisha Goldstein on the meditative technique he calls a "mindful check-in." Read more
Elisha Goldstein
Elisha Goldstein, PhD, is founder of the Mindful Living Collective, the world’s go-to resource and community for learning how to apply mindfulness to consistently follow through on the things that matter most to you. He is also co-founder of The Center for Mindful Living in West Los Angeles and creator of the 6-month coaching program, A Course in Mindful Living (Next Course begins Jan. 2020). Dr. Goldstein is also a psychologist, speaker and author who has published numerous articles, chapters, and blogs, including Uncovering Happiness: Overcoming Depression with Mindfulness and Self-Compassion, The Now Effect: How This Moment Can Change the Rest of Your Life (10th Anniversary Edition), foreword by Jon Kabat-Zinn and MBSR Every Day. He travels globally training therapists, educators, leaders, military and others in the progressive integration of mindfulness to achieve mental and emotional healing. He has his private practice in West Los Angeles, California.