From the May/June 2023 Issue of Psychotherapy Networker Magazine
The best therapeutic tools from across the field of psychotherapy…on us! Practice Tools is a carefully curated collection of therapeutic interventions that are suitable to use with a variety of clients, easy to integrate with other treatment approaches, simple to follow (no hours of training required!), and completely free.
This month’s selection for Practice Tools comes to us from Arielle Schwartz’s book, Therapeutic Yoga for Trauma Recovery: Applying the Principles of Polyvagal Theory for Self-Discovery, Embodied Healing and Meaningful Change. These tools will help you and your clients understand the vital role of the vagus nerve and teach you exactly how you can strengthen it to improve your stress response. Through the Conscious Breathing and Vagal Tone exercise, you will discover:
- A practical way to explain the body’s response to stress
- How to help your clients understand the relationship between the vagal tone and the breath
- An easy-to-follow breathing exercise to strengthen your vagus nerve
Through the Listening and Your Vagus Nerve exercise, you will discover:
- A practical way to explain how the body responds to sound
- How to teach your clients about the relationship between sound and the vagus nerve
- An easy to follow breathing exercise that incorporates sound to sooth and strengthen
Psychotherapy Networker
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