Practice Tools is a carefully curated collection of therapeutic interventions that are suitable to use with a variety of clients, easy to integrate with other treatment approaches, simple to follow (no hours of training required!), and completely free.
This month’s selection is from Bree Turns-Coe’s, Parent the Child You Have, Not the Child You Were: Breaking Generational Patterns, Raise Thriving Kids. These tools will help you teach your clients to identify and effectively work within their window of tolerance.
With this practice tool, you get three activities: Identifying Your Window, Widening Your Window, and Returning to Your Window. In these practical, easy-to-follow guide worksheets, you will discover:
- How to help your clients identify their triggers for dysregulation
- Two ways to help your clients build tolerance for distress
- A three-step process for quickly regaining a state of calm after being dysregulated
Psychotherapy Networker
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