This issue examines whether our increasing knowledge of all those multisyllabic brain processes has really made us more effective practitioners. We’ve assembled a collection of provocative, perhaps game-changing articles, which discuss whether we’re on the brink of a new era of clinical practice or have merely added some more impressively scientific-sounding lingo to our standard professional jargon.
The “Networker Live!” rollout for this issue will premiere on January 20 with an interview with Daniel Siegel, widely acknowledged as the pioneer in integrating brain science and psychotherapy. Guests in future weeks will include Daniel Goleman, Jerome Kagan, and Ron Taffel, offering you not only a front-row seat on the conversations shaping the future of psychotherapy, but a chance to participate in them as well.
Beyond that, if you’re really intrigued by the clinical perspective of an author in an issue, there’s a good chance that we’ll be offering a Telecourse through Networker U that’ll enable you to further your learning connection with him or her. From this issue, we invite you to sign up for the upcoming Telecourse with Lloyd Linford and John Arden, the authors of this issue’s visionary cover story. In addition, to help you most effectively bring new clinical ideas into your work, each issue will give you a chance to enroll in a live Case Consultation Teleseminar, exploring the immediate, nuts-and-bolts implications of whatever clinical topic has been presented in that issue. This time, the live Case Consultation will be led by Janina Fisher, the author of “Brain to Brain.”
Of course, in the end, there’s nothing quite like face-to-face contact with members of your own community. So don’t forget the irreplaceable four-day tribal gathering and festival of learning and creativity that’s the annual Networker Symposium—which this year has the especially timely title Breaking Through: Discovering New Possibilities in a Time of Uncertainty—to be held here in Washington, March 25–28. To make it even more exciting, we’ve designed this year’s Symposium to go beyond just being a superb conference experience into a launching point for year-round learning.
With both the Symposium and Networker Plugged-In, we’ve made a breakthrough in making our field’s enormous resources for inspiration, connection, and learning immediately accessible to you, whatever your clinical needs and interests, wherever you happen to practice. We hope you take advantage of these new opportunities for enhancing your skills, deepening your outlook, and extending your professional network to make 2010 a breakthrough year for yourself.
Rich Simon
Richard Simon, PhD, founded Psychotherapy Networker and served as the editor for more than 40 years. He received every major magazine industry honor, including the National Magazine Award. Rich passed away November 2020, and we honor his memory and contributions to the field every day.